July 31, 2014
Holstein Plaza members selling at VA Sale of Stars 2014
Kings-Ransom Dorc Dextra VG-87 | Her GTPI+2386 Deductive sells tomorrow as lot 2 in the Virginia Sale of Stars
Several Holstein Plaza members are selling some exciting heifers and cows tomorrow at the Virginia Sale of Stars 2014. The Sale of Stars start at 5:00 PM EST at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds in Harrisonburg, VA.
- Lot 2 Kings-Ransom Ded Dynamo GTPI+2386, April Deductive daughter of Kings-Ransom Dorc Dextra-ET VG-87 consigned by Kings-Ransom Farm
- Lot 3 Intense-Com Mnt 982 242F-ET, a March +2379G Midnight daughter from an Unique Outcross Pedigree consigned by Comyn
- Lot 7 Ms Welcome Halogen Tab-ET, a EARLY GTPI+2332 Halogen daughter of Ms Welcome Colby Taya VG-88 DOM consigned by Welcome-Stock Farm
- Lot 9 SRP Shotglass ZP15349, a GTPI+2319 Shotglass daughter that goes back to the Rud Zip family, consigned by Spruce-Haven Farm
- Lot 10 Bo-Irish Sudan Plilia GP-84, a GTPI+2094 Sudan daughter that goes back to the Rud Zip family consigned by Tramilda Holsteins
- Lot 11 Coollawn-COM LB125 4760, a GTPI+2360 La-Bron daughter from an OUTCROSS Pedigree consigned by Comyn
- Lot 12 Kings-Ransom Ducat Deena *RC, an exciting RC Ducati daughter from a Deep home-bred cowfamily from Kings-Ransom Farm
- Lot 13 Butlerview Uno Cassie, an Uno daughter directly out of Silvermaple Damion Camomile consigned by Butlerview Farm
- Lot 18 Budjon-JK Wbrook Avery, a Windbrook daughter straight out of Milksource Goldwn Africa consigned by Tramilda Holsteins
- Lot 20 Ms Velvet Epic Vena an GTPI+1978 fresh Epic daughter out of DeBoer Gldwn Snow Velvet EX-93 consigned by Tramilda Holsteins
- Lot 27 Midas-Touch Clover-Red, a March Ducati-Red daughter of Ellbank Cherry Coke-Red EX-92 consigned by Midas-Touch Genetics
- Lot 33 Tramilda Braxton Ruthie, Potential 15th generation Excellent from the Royal Rosas consigned by Tramilda Holsteins
- Lot 40 Butlerview Coco2102 an +3.58T Atwood daughter of Biosblane Jasper Cristala VG-89-3YR (Max Scored 1st Lactation) consiged by Butlerview Farm
- Lot 46 Ms Abrey SR Apply, a GTPI+2078 fresh Shamrock daughter of Ms Atlees Shottle Aubrey EX-92 DOM consigned by Tramilda Holsteins
- Lot 47 BVK Goldwyn Abigail VG-85, a VG-85 Goldwyn daughter directly from Ms Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 consigned by Tramilda Holsteins
- Lot 53 & Lot 54 Walkup Shamrock Aurora GTPI+2173 (sells with $7,200 embryo contract from AMS Genetics) and Walkup Shamrock Addie GTPI+2029 both fresh since May and consigned by Comyn
- Selling as Lot 55 thru 59 are Jackman, Oak and Maurice daughters of Walkup Shamrock Addie consigned by Comyn
- Lot 66 & 67 Spruce-Haven Atw SX14971 & Spruce-Haven Atw SX14991-ET two Atwood daughters of Potters-Field NKE Vegas EX-91 3E consigned by Spruce-Haven Farm
- Lot 89 Spruce-Haven Oak BJ14982, a GTPI+2043 Oak daughter from Spruce Haven ATW BJ 11846 EX-90 EX-MS consigned by Spruce-Haven Farm
- Lot 95 Tramilda-N Armani Janelle *RC, a December Armani *RC daughter from a Deep Red pedigree, same family as Scenic-Edge Joyful-Red EX-92 2E, consigned by Tramilda Holsteins
Learn more about Welcome Stock Farm - view their Holstein Plaza profile
To contact Welcome Stock Farm, click here or use the following contact information
Welcome Stock Farm
285 W. River Road
Schuylerville, New York 12871
United States
Phone: +1 518-424-6770
Email: billpeckwelcomestockfarm@outlook.com
285 W. River Road
Schuylerville, New York 12871
United States
Phone: +1 518-424-6770
Email: billpeckwelcomestockfarm@outlook.com
Learn more about Tramilda Holsteins - view their Holstein Plaza profile
To contact Tramilda Holsteins, click here or use the following contact information
Tramilda Holsteins
5731 S.R. 26 East
Montezuma, Georgia 31063
United States
Phone: +1 478-244-2172
Email: tramildaholsteins@gmail.com
5731 S.R. 26 East
Montezuma, Georgia 31063
United States
Phone: +1 478-244-2172
Email: tramildaholsteins@gmail.com
Learn more about Kings Ransom Farm - view their Holstein Plaza profile
To contact Kings Ransom Farm, click here or use the following contact information
Kings Ransom Farm
311 King Rd.
Schuylerville, New York 12871
United States
Phone: +1 518-695-9245
Email: jkingkrf@gmail.com
311 King Rd.
Schuylerville, New York 12871
United States
Phone: +1 518-695-9245
Email: jkingkrf@gmail.com
Learn more about Midas Touch Genetics - view their Holstein Plaza profile
To contact Midas Touch Genetics, click here or use the following contact information
Midas Touch Genetics
69 Halfway House Rd.
Waddington, New York 13694
United States
Phone: 315-322-4162/Cell: 315-212-0032
Web Site: http://www.midastouchgenetics.com/
Email: Davidking4444@gmail.com
69 Halfway House Rd.
Waddington, New York 13694
United States
Phone: 315-322-4162/Cell: 315-212-0032
Web Site: http://www.midastouchgenetics.com/
Email: Davidking4444@gmail.com