Following are videos from Holstein Plaza and other sources, which may be of interest to our users. In addition to the videos in this section, please also see our YouTube channel.
Midwest Fall National - Junior Champs!
Selection of Junior Champion at the 2011 Midwest Fall National Holstein Show, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Bremer Holsteins Sale II
Preview of the upcoming Bremer Holsteins Sale II... for more information check out the online catalog. Over 90 fantastic lots sell with index and type from the breed's most elite cow families!
Luck-E Holsteins
Luck-E Holsteins: Classification - July 2011
Western Spring National - Senior Champions
Selection of Senior Champion - 2011 Western Spring National
Western Spring National - Grand Champions
Selection of Grand Champion of the 2011 Western Spring National Holstein Show
Western Spring National - Intermediate Champions
Selection of Intermediate Champion at the 2011 Western Spring National