Junior Members find success on Day 1 of WDE

Holstein Plaza Members found their way to the Top 10 of several classes during today's International Junior Holstein Show.
Kings-Ransom Farm had two heifers break the Top 10 including Budjon-Abbott Dr Antonia-ET (7th Fall Heifer Calf) and Kings-Ransom Und Curlie (5th Summer Yearling Heifer).
Junior Showman at Stranshome Farm strapped, Ms St. Jacob Dempsey Again to a 3rd place finish in the Senior Three-Year-Old Cow class.
Siemers Holsteins exhibited three cows in the Top 10 of the Four Year-Old Cow class including the winning entry: Siemers Pure Ki-Anna.
Congratulations to all Junior Holstein Exhibitors!
311 King Rd.
Schuylerville, New York 12871
United States
Phone: +1 518-695-9245
Email: jkingkrf@gmail.com