Kings Ransom Classify
Recent classification at Kings Ransom resulted in 7 cows raised to excellent and 4 new EX-93 point cows! Including, Kings-Ransom DM Debonair being raised to EX-93 and just being a few short weeks fresh. She is a Doorman direct daughter to Kings-Ransom Dorcy DEXTRA EX-94. Debonair will be flushed soon and embryo inquiries are welcome. Also, highlighting Kings-Ransom Jives Gabrina raised to EX-93 94-MS and her daughter, Kings-Ransom Kian Effie just a month fresh was raised to EX-91 93-MS.
Debonair Donor Profile --> CLICK HERE
Kings Ransom Breeder Profile --> CLICK HERE
311 King Rd.
Schuylerville, New York 12871
United States
Phone: +1 518-695-9245