July 22, 2010

Welcome to Holstein Plaza

Welcome to Holstein Plaza! Holstein Plaza is a site designed to connect farmers and breeders throughout North America with elite Holstein genetics. We aim to act as an online marketplace and provide valuable information in a simple, user-friendly manner to help you, as breeders, achieve your goals. We will have donor information on animals from our members, the current top genomic animals, mating sire lists, current news and events, and videos highlighting recent shows and news.

By becoming a member of Holstein Plaza, you gain a page on the website and can feature up to fifteen cows from your herd. We will advertise pictures, pedigrees, consignments, classification updates, embryos, live offspring, or any other information you wish to share. Your page will be updated on a monthly basis and you will also obtain a 50% discount towards advertising in Hotspots. The rates are as follows:

  • Up to 5 cows--$750/year
  • Up to 10 cows--$1,000/year
  • Up to 15 cows--$1,250/year

Please contact us at info@holsteinplaza.com if you wish to become a member, subscribe to our newsletter, be added to the FREE mailing list for Hotspots, or have a video or information you want to share. You may also contact us if you would like to advertise in one of our banner advertisements on our Home Page or for any other information or questions you may have.