February 12, 2011

Super Offerings from Holstein Plaza Members to WI Futures Sale!

Regancrest-BP Bolvr Tab-ET EX-91 GMD DOM (1st choice Man-O-Man granddaughter sells!)

Selling next Saturday, Feb. 18 at the Wisconsin Convention Futures Sale in Beaver Dam, Wis. are three super offerings from Holstein Plaza members!

- Regancrest Farms - 10/10 Freddie GTPI+2136 from a VG-86 Shottle x EX-91 3E GMD DOM Rabur Outside Pandora x 4 more Excellents!

- Our-Favorite Holsteins - 1st Choice Man-O-Man from three females GTPI+1848-GTPI+2112 sells from a VG-87 EX-MS 2YR Auden from the EX-91 Bolivar Tab!

- Gold-N-Oaks - #5 Ashler daughter of the Breed GTPI+2012 sells from the one and only Marbella!

click here to view the full catalog