December 12, 2014

Snapshots of Lot 10 and 16

Larcrest Crimson EX-92 GMD DOM | Watch the snapshots of her Jetset and Nominee granddaughters, both sell!

Selling as lot 10 and lot 16 in the Holstein Plaza Online Heifer sale are a GTPI+2437 NM$+686 Jetset daughter and a GTPI+2449 NM$+657 Nominee daughter of Larcrest Case VG-86 DOM, next dam Larcrest Crimson EX-92 GMD DOM! Below snapshots of both exciting heifers.


Lot 10 Ms Ttm Jetset Cloud - GTPI+2437 PTAM+1117 DPR+2.7 NM$+686

TTM Nominee 32280 GTPI+2449 PTAM+1157 +50Fat +45Protein NM$+657