Show Type Red/RC Offerings

Selling now on the Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction are two HIGH TYPE offerings from proven show winning cow families.This auction is open for bidding until Thursday, November 19th at 4:00 p.m. EST.
SEXED ALTITUDE-RED x Ms D Angel Denisha RC - Three #1 grade SEXED ALTITUDE-RED (+2.95PTAT +2.50UDC +1.61FLC) embryos out of the EX-92 Doorman daughter, DENISHA. She was recently the winning 5-Year-Old, Senior Champion, and Grand Champion of the 2020 Wisconsin District 1 Holstein Show. Backed by Apple and Altitude, she is ready to continue her winning streak. She scored +2.23PTAT, +1.49UDC, and +1.01FLC. Bid now and make the next show winning female from this tremendous, show-winning line.
IVF SEXED WARRIOR-RED x Golden-Oaks Trinity-Red - Five #1 grade IVF SEXED WARRIOR-RED (+3.30PTAT +2.24UDC +1.55FLC) embryos embryos selling from the VG-86 Jordy-Red daughter out of the 4th Generation Excellent and All-American, Miss Pottsdale DFI TANG-RED! Trinity scores an impressive +3.01PTAT and +1.79UDC!