September 22, 2015

Potential Chart-Topping Red Embryos added to Auction

Dymentholm Sunview Sunday *RC VG-87-2YR | EARLY Captain-Red embryos from her cow family sell!

Two lots sired by EARLY Captain-Red (GTPI+2422 +1.75T) have been added to the Online Embryo Auction. Both lots are from two high ranking Red Carrier Jabir daughters backed by the Planet Silks! 

  • Captain-Red x Josey-LLC Jabir Stacey *RC | Five #1 grade Captain-Red (GTPI+2422) embryos from the +2365G *RC Jabir granddaughter of Planet Silk! Tremendous Opportunity to make the next Chart-Topping Red or Red Carrier from the Silks!
  • Captain-Red x Josey-LLC Jabir Sabino *RC | Six #1 grade Captain-Red (GTPI+2422) embryos from the +2402G *RC Jabir granddaughter of Planet Silk and over +1000 milk, +66 fat, +40 protein and +1.38 type! HUGE offering from the Silks... Potential RED!