April 23, 2015

Potential Chart-Topping GTPI embryos sell!

Lynmead Celsius Minnow EX-91 GMD DOM | IVF SEXED Denver embryos from a GTPI+2505 Miles daughter from her cow family sell!

The Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction offers several embryo lots with sky-high GTPI, LPI or RZG potential from some of the most popular North-American cow families. Don't miss the opportunity to add some world-class genetics to your herd, starting already as low as $350 per embryo!

  • Lot 1 IVF Doors Open x Jook Mogul 9825 | Four #1 grade IVF Doors Open (+2588G) ... the first DOORS OPEN embryos to sell on public auction and from a +2462G Mogul with over 1000M and 2.21T. Backed by a deep maternal line from the Clear-Echo family!
  • Lot 3 Brodie x Four-Cal Beam | Three #1 grade Brodie (GTPI+2541, PTAM+2331 | GRZG+155) embryos from a GTPI+2578 Halogen daughter backed by an unique pedigree that goes back to De-Su BW Marshal Georgia! Fantastic and Rare Opportunity to buy the potential next Chart-Topper from this family! 
  • Lot 4 SEXED Dozer x Peak Chanda Pred 759 | Four #1 grade SEXED Dozer (GTPI+2616) embryos from the +2444G Predestine daughter of Larcrest MS Chanda VG-85 and from the CRIMSONS... Make the next Chart-Topping Female from this family!       
  • Lot 5 IVF Chevalier x Misty-Moor Mogul Amicah | Three #1 & Two #2 grade EARLY IVF Chevalier (gRZG+160 / GTPI+2579) embryos from the +2488G Mogul daughter with +79F and a unique sire stack back to the Patron Allies!  
  • Lot 6 IVF Supershot x TJR Mogul Pacifica 2192 |  Three #1 IVF Supershot (+2659 PTAM+2117) from the +2451G Mogul and backed by a tremendous maternal line from the Pandoras! The First Supershots are testing exteremly high! PA-GTPI close to +2550G!
  • Lot 7 IVF SEXED Denver x S-S-I Miles 7392 10071 | Six #2 grade IVF Sexed Denver embryos from the +2505G NM$+750 Miles daughter and the tremendous A.I. Celsius Minnow family! HUGE GENOMIC OFFERING from a time tested family!  
  • Lot 8 IVF SEXED Rubicon x Ms HArtford Jbr Dior-Red | Make the next #1 GTPI Variant Red Female in the Breed... Four #1 grade IVF SEXED Rubicon embryos from the #1 GTPI Variant Red Female in the Breed, Ms Hartford Jbr Dior-Red GTPI+2358, PTAM+1555, PTA Fat+66 & PTA Protein +47! PA-GTPI well over GTPI+2500, This could be the next Variant Red Chart-Topping Female!
  • Lot 15 altaSpring x Larcrest Collect | Four #1 grade altaSpring embryos from a Huge Production Liquid Gold daughter of Larcrest Chenoa... PA-GTPI close to +2550G with great production and type!   
  • Lot 17 IVF Chevalier x Woodcrest Mogul Brat Pack | Two #1 grade & two #2 grade EARLY IVF Chevalier (GTPI+2579, PTAM+1941 | GRZG+160) embryos from a GTPI+2439 Mogul daughter that backed by the Hidden-View B family! Don't miss out on some of the earliest Chevalier embryos available!    
  • Lot 18 IVF SEXED Denver x Thurler Supersire Lynn | Four #1 grade IVF Sexed Denver embryos from the +2454G Supersire daughter ... PA-GTPI over +2550G ... huge NM$ and excellent opportunity!   
  • Lot 19 Bayonet x Sandy-Valley Mgl Biscuit VG-85-2YR | Four #1 grade Bayonet (GTPI+2627 PTAP+61) embryos from a high PTAT already VG Mogul with a GTPI of +2323 and backed by a tremendous line of BARBIES! PA-GTPI>2500 with PTAM>1300, PTA Protein +45 and over 2 points for udders and PTAT!  
  • Lot 33 altaSpring x Josey-LLC Dist Sunshine | Five #1 altaSpring (GTPI+2618) embryos from the +2357G Distinction daughter direct from PLANET SILK! This lot is built in at well over PA-GTPI+2500!  
  • Lot 43 SEXED Profit x Josey-LLC Dist Sunshine | Three #2 EARLY SEXED Profit embryos from the +2357G Distinction daughter direct from PLANET SILK! This lot is built in at PA-GTPI+2516!    
  • Lot 44 SEXED Denver x Josey-LLC Doorman Shrine | Two #1 SEXED Denver embryos from Josey-LLC Doorman Shrine with a built in GTPI of +2549, including >1450M, +80Fat, nearly +50Protein and PTAT+2.67! Unique Sire Stack: Denver x Doorman x Sudan from the Silks!
  • Lot 45 SEXED Profit x Larcrest Collect | Five #1 grade EARLY SEXED PROFIT embryos from the high production Liquid Gold daughter of Larcrest Chenoa... PA-GTPI close to +2550G with great production and type!