March 19, 2012

Note from Eastside Holsteins

Stadacona Outside Abel VG-88 26*

Time is running out for Canadian Holsteins Breeders to Vote for Canada's Cow of the Year 2011! Our nomination, Stadacona Outside Abel VG 88 26*, we believe, is one of the most famous dams in the world, most noteably her famous daughter, Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX 95, Grand Champion WDE and RWF 2011 and her ability to pass on her success to her own progeny: 26 VG 2 YR Olds in their first lacation.  She is one impressive COW! and we here at Eastside and Lewisdale want to give her the icing on the cake and help her achieve this: Cow the Year 2011.

Voting ends March 23rd and you can vote by emailing or sumbit your ballot that you would have recieved in your Holstein Info. The Winner will be announced at the Canadian Holstein Convention in April in Manitoba! Thank-you to all our fellow breeders for their support!