November 7, 2013

Make Show calves

Garay Alexander Destiny VG-89 | Her Sid embryos are selling in the Online Embryo Auction

The Online Embryo Auction offers several great SHOW Packages, including several sired by Sexed semen.

  • Lot 4 IVF Female Atwood x Eastside Lewisdale Angela EX-90 | Make a maternal sister to Valleyville Rae Lynn VG-89-2YR! Dam is the maternal sister to Gold MISSY EX-95!
  • Lot 5 IVF Sexed Atwood x Ms Gold Chip Bright-ET | Sexed Atwood embryos from the successful Showheifer Ms Gold Chip Bright-ET!
  • Lot 6 Armani *RC x Ms Licorice GB Lushous *RC | This lot combines the Apples and Talent Licorice and could be RED!
  • Lot 7 Sid x Garay Alexander Destiny | Four #1 gradde Sid embryos from the All-American & 1st Milking Yearling WDE 2011 and 6th Seniour 3-Yr-Old at WDE 2013!
  • Lot 8 Malone-Red x Rosedale Tenacious Rose *RC EX-90 | Five #1 grade Malone-Red embryos from the EX-90 *RC Goldwyn sister to Rosedale Tea-Rose EX-94!
  • Lot 19 Sexed Armani *RC x Miss Hot Streak-Red -PO | Sexed Armani embryos from the POLLED daughter of Hotstuff! APPLE x HOTSTUFF!
  • Lot 20 Absolute x Elm-Mound Advnt Rein-Red-ET EX-90 | Absolute embryos from the EXCELLENT Renita Rangers!
  • Lot 36 Goldwyn x Budjon-JK Terason Esmeena-ET | Five #1 grade UNIQUE Goldwyn embryos from Budjon-JK Terason Esmeena EX-90... The maternal sister to Esmeena was HM All-Canadian
  • Lot 43 Bradnick x Futurecrest Aftershock Tahlia VG-88-2YR VG-89-MS | Tahlia was HM Int. Champion Ontario Summer Show 2013 and 1st Sr. 2-Yr. Tahlia sells tonight as Lot 1 in the Sale of Stars!