April 13, 2021


The Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction features multiple offerings to make the next high type RED female with show winning potential!


SEXED ALTITUDE-RED x Ms D Angel Denisha RC EX-94 - Denisha was the Grand Champion of the 2020 Wisconsin District 1 Holstein Show. She scored +2.27PTAT, +1.47UDC, and +0.99FLC. 

IVF SEXED AWESOME-RED x Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss RC VG-89 - Bliss is the beautiful Goldwyn daughter who goes back to Unanimous All-American and All-Canadian female, EX-95 Rainyridge Talent Barbara.

IVF SEXED LATENITE-RED x Blackncherry KD Adalicia - Adalicia is the +3.70 PTAT King Doc daughter backed by a tremendous line of APPLES.

IVF SEXED DORAL-RED x GDR-Kings Doc 51866 - 51866 is the King Doc daughter who goes back to Golden-Rose Rasberry and has a great combination of +2.78PTAT, +2.01UDC, +1.14FLC and POSITIVE teat length. 

SEXED RAGER-RED x OCD Jordy Las Vegas-Red VG-86 - Las Vegas-Red is from a great red, proven, show-winning cow family with multiple All-American and All-Canadian wins.