October 6, 2012

Lafontaine Aftershock Arrie named Junior Champion

Lafontaine Aftershock Arrie, Junior Champion - International Holstein Show 2012

Lafontaine Aftershock Arrie was named Junior Champion of the 2012 International Holstein Show. Arrie was the winning winter yearling and an Aftershock daughter from Lafontaine Damion Aveline EX-90 exhibited by Westcoast Holsteins. Reserve Junior Champion honors went to the winning spring yearling, Jaslyn Aftershock Avila, exhibited by Lookout, Purple Fever, G. Halbach, F & D Borba. Siemers Gwyn Glam Thisup-ET was tapped as Honorable Mention Junior Champion and was also the winning spring calf exhibited by Gene Iager & Kevin Ehrhardt. CLICK HERE to watch video footage from the selection of junior champion