May 5, 2011

Just in... Shamrock's full sister VG @ 1-11

Classification Highlights from My Lady's Manor...

From the Ruby Jen (EX-94) family:
Shamrock's full sister Shania scored VG-85 (VG-MS) @ 1-11
• Auden sisters to Shamrock were raised to VG-88 (EX-MS) Shawnee and VG-86 (VG-MS) Shawntay
• Shawn's Zenith daughter, Zeba, went EX-90
• Goldwyn Grace is now EX-91 (92-MS). She is a daughter of Ruby D and the dam of Grafetti
• Allen Debbie, a daughter of Ruby D is now 2E-93
• Goldwyn Ginni was raised to EX-92 (92-MS) she is from an EX Freelance x Ruby Jen

Other Noteworthy cows:
• Planet Amira x VG Goldwyn x VG Oman x VG-89 Autumn- VG-85 (VG-MS)
• Goldwyn Dora x EX-92 Allana x EX-95 Durchan went EX-90 (93-MS). Her 2 yr old full sister, Diva, went VG-85
• Demi Glaze, sired by Goldwyn was raised to EX-92 and her daughter by Lightning went VG-85
Plus daughter that was 2nd place Sr. 2 yr old at the MD Spring Show went VG-86 (89-MS)