IVF Offerings: Type & Index
Looking to use IVF embryos to up your program? Don't miss these IVF Type and Index offerings available now on the Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction. Offerings include A2A2, high component, and show winning IVF embryos.
Lot 2: IVF SEXED ANALYST-RED x Milksource Defi Tazu-Red - embryos from the Defiant daughter to 2x Unanimous All-American and WDE Grand Champion, EX-96 Tequila-Red
Lot 5: IVF SEXED DUPLO x Brigeen Doorman A Rolene - embryos from the EX-91 Doorman daughter with great production records and tremendous type
Lot 7: IVF SEXED DYNAMO x Peak Cookie Htln 20486 - embryos from the +2778GTPI Hotline daughter backed by the Cookiecutters
Lot 9: IVF SEXED HUEY x Peak Azalea Btrch T902 - embryos from the Blowtorch daughter with PL of +4.9 and a low 7.0% SCE
Lot 15: IVF BOOM x G-Deruyter 53508 - embryos from the King Dog Granddaughter to the 19th generation EX cow, Roylane-KH 5G Rita