August 10, 2016

HOTSPOTS: Reserve Ad Space Today!

With more than 10,000 readers in over 40 different countries, Hotspots can promote your genetics worldwide! Take advantage of this excellent way of advertising to the people that really matter! Holstein Plaza members receive a 40% discount off the advert rate ($720 full page or $420 half page). The most affordable way to highlight a sale consignment, donor dam or show winner! 

Reserve advertising space by FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. Cow family features for the Fall 2016 issue: The great North American SILVERMAPLE DAMION CAMOMILE and the European branches of the Lead Maes. Advertise your members of these great industry-impacting families. Other features: management article, ShowSpots, top ranking bull, cow and heifer lists on different bases... and donít miss the Choose your Favorite DOORMAN daughter! 

In the United States or Canada please contact:

  • Jennifer Dingbaum | +1 320-250-2412 | 
  • Steve Mower | +1 240-520-5906 |
  • Hendrik Albada | +1 240-520-1566 |