February 27, 2013

Holstein USA Accepting Orders for Genomic Testing Kits for Males

Brattleboro, Vt. (February 26, 2013)...Holstein Association USA is accepting orders for genomic testing kits for males, with evaluations expected to be available starting with the April 2013 official evaluation.

The Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between USDA and the Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository (CDDR, composed of seven A.I. organizations), which restricts breeders from receiving genomic evaluations on bulls, expires on Friday, March 1. Although the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) recently voted to charge a service fee for all animals being genomic tested, Holstein Association USA will not be charging any additional fees until defined mechanisms are put into place to account and collect such fees. Holstein USA will continue to charge the same fees for testing any Holstein, male or female. As a reminder, following are the Holstein USA's genomic testing fees for U.S. breeders:

GGP-LD (9K SNP Test): $45
GGP-HD (77K SNP Test): $125

Additionally, Holstein COMPLETE herds receive a 5% credit for any genomic tests ordered. Genomic testing forms and DNA samples should be received at the lab by March 1 for the best chance in being included in the April genetic evaluation. Visit www.holsteinusa.com for more information about our genomic testing options.

As more details become available, we will keep breeders informed by posting information on the web site, at www.holsteinusa.com. To order genomic testing kits, call Customer Service at 800.952.5200, or email genomics@holstein.com.