High Indexing Variant Red Cow Families
Three offerings on the Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction come from high indexing Variant Red donors with the potential to make the next No. 1 female. This auction is open until Thursday, May 13th at 4pm EST, and will close using the popcorn bidding system.
SEXED BIGSHOT x Comfort Thrlr Purs Friday - embryos from a RARE high GTPI female carrying both the Variant Red and Red Carrier Normal Red gene. Friday has a great productive life, over +1660 lbs of milk. and over +2800 GTPI.
SEXED HELIX x Thurler Skywalker Blanche-Red - embryos from a RARE RED SKYWALKER daughter, backed by the FOOLS GOLD FAMILY. Blanche-Red is from the same cow family as Champion-Red at +2994GTPI. Blanche's only daughter is the No. 2 LPI Red Heifer WORLDWIDE, the No. 2 Pro$ Red Heifer, and the No. 3 GTPI Variant Red Heifer.
SEXED ALTAFANDOM-P x Thurler Cmfrt Red Purse - embryos from the Variant Red Pursuit daughter backed by the GOLD DANCER's. 50% of these embryos will be RED FEMALES. Purse's full sister was the No. 1 Red and Polled female in 08/2020 and 12/2020. Her dam is a Top 10 GTPI Splendid P RC daughter in the breed and already milking 110 pounds at 96 days of her first lactation. This family consistently scores an average of 119 points above parent average.