May 11, 2021

High Indexing Variant Red Cow Families

Three offerings on the Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction come from high indexing Variant Red donors with the potential to make the next No. 1 female. This auction is open until Thursday, May 13th at 4pm EST, and will close using the popcorn bidding system. 


SEXED BIGSHOT x Comfort Thrlr Purs Friday - embryos from a RARE high GTPI female carrying both the Variant Red and Red Carrier Normal Red gene. Friday has a great productive life, over +1660 lbs of milk. and over +2800 GTPI.

SEXED HELIX x Thurler Skywalker Blanche-Red - embryos from a RARE RED SKYWALKER daughter, backed by the FOOLS GOLD FAMILY. Blanche-Red is from the same cow family as Champion-Red at +2994GTPI. Blanche's only daughter is the No. 2 LPI Red Heifer WORLDWIDE, the No. 2 Pro$ Red Heifer, and the No. 3 GTPI Variant Red Heifer.

SEXED ALTAFANDOM-P x Thurler Cmfrt Red Purse - embryos from the Variant Red Pursuit daughter backed by the GOLD DANCER's. 50% of these embryos will be RED FEMALES. Purse's full sister was the No. 1 Red and Polled female in 08/2020 and 12/2020. Her dam is a Top 10 GTPI Splendid P RC daughter in the breed and already milking 110 pounds at 96 days of her first lactation. This family consistently scores an average of 119 points above parent average.