June 22, 2021

Genomic Type Offerings Over +3.00PTAT

Check out three offerings on the Holstein Plaza Online Heifer Sale with great genomic type scores over +3.00PTAT.


STGEN DISCJOCKEY 5 - High type Discjockey daughter due in December with an ultrasound female by 100HO12128 OZ. She scores +3.55PTAT, +3.07UDC and +1.30FLC.

BUDJON-VAIL SKICK 7826 - Full-aged December 2020 calf with +3.33PTAT and direct from VG-86 Avalanche Athena out of EX-95 2E Milksource Goldwyn Africa - 3x Grand Champion, WI Championship Show.

OUR-FAVORITE MOOVIN 7850 - Elite genomic type female, 7850 scores +3.47PTAT, +2.84UDC and +2.08FLC. She was purchased as an embryo on the Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction!