June 18, 2012

Future of Genomic Evaluations

Discussion has been ongoing regarding the takeover and control of genetic evaluations and data by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) for some time. A business plan has been drafted by the CDCB and this potential change in role from USDA to the CDCB will affect dairymen worldwide. The exact charges for testing of females and males is yet to be determined but note that the current agreement that USDA has with seven of the A.I. organizations expires in April 2013. This agreement gives those seven A.I. organizations exclusive rights to U.S. genomic evaluations on dairy bulls and under the new plan by the CDCB the testing on bulls will be available to all bull owners whether they are individual breeders or A.I.

For more information regarding these changes to the future of genomic evaluations please visit Holstein Association USA.