February 9, 2015

Exciting Predestine Daughter at Bosside

Co-Op Bosside Yelonda VG-86 DOM | Yelonda is the full sister to Massey and her GTPI+2396 Predestine Grand Daughter is now in a flush program

New to the donor line-up of Bosside Holsteins is Bosside Pred Belle, Belle is a GTPI+2396 NM$+688 Predestine daughter from an unique pedigree! The 2nd dam of Belle is the full sister to proven super star Co-Op Bosside Massey, Co-Op Bosside Yelonda VG-86 DOM and 2 generations further we find Milkworth Manfred Yadda VG-86 GMD DOM! Bosside Pred Belle is in a flush program.