November 3, 2010

Domain Dominates the top Female Genomic List for November

The Holstein Association released the the results of the October genomic testing today. The results are for animals tested with the 50K Chip, as the 3K Chip is still considered unofficial. Domain the top Genomic bull of TAG bred at Ronelee dominated the top spots with 5 daughters in the top 10 tested animals. The Domain daughters start at number 1, Richmond-FD TD Lovely-ET at GTPI of 2456! The other 4 heifers are 2286, 2278, 2215,and 2205.

Listed Below are the animals that received a GTPI of 2200 and above.

GTPI          Name                                                 Sires

2456         Richmond-FD TD Lovely-ET         Domain

2356         Pine-Tree Bret Minos-ET               Bret Minos

2319         Our-Favorite Okahli-ET                   Super

2286        Regan-ALH Domain Daya-ET       Domain

2278        Regancrest Domain Shana-ET      Domain

2243        Hammer-Creek Kasandra-ET        Man O Man

2218        Drifty-Hollow Hot Shot Bolt              Bolton

2215        Richmond-FD TD Likely-ET            Domain

2211        Vekis Xaco Melody                            Xacobeo

2205        Wesselcrest Domn Angela-ET       Domain

2203        MS Wabash-Way Atwd Emily-ET    Atwood