April 19, 2021

Charl Daughter Tops GTPI RC/Red Cows

Leothe 84841-ET GP-80 tops the list of High Ranking GTPI RC/Red Cows scored GP-80 or higher with +2796G and +657NM. 84841 is a Charl daughter backed by Eastriver I R M Jewel EX-93 2E. Rounding out the Top 5 Cows are:


2. Aprilday Marius Cricova GP-81 +2792G

3. Ms Rollen-NS Achv Swerve GP-81 +2742G

4. Scenery-View Cricket VG-85 +2727G

5. Aprday-F Copycat Arietta GP-82 +2725G