May 6, 2015

Buy future Chart-Topping embryos

Bryhill SS Sateen P | IVF SEXED Delta embryos from her GTPI+2616 Halogen daughter sell!

The Holstein Plaza Online Embryo Auction offers a wide variety of potentially high index embryos! Some of the highlights of the embryo auction include IVF Sexed Delta embryos from Seagull-Bay Sunline GTPI+2616, Pat-Red embryos from the #2 GTPI Flush-Age Red Female in the Breed Josey-LLC Dker Spice-Red, IVF Powerball--P embryos from Woodcrest Mogul Pretty GTPI+2504 and IVF SEXED Draco from Lismore Mogul Brandi GTPI+2535, and many more embryos over PA-GTPI+2500! CLICK HERE for a link to the Auction Site and don't miss the opportunity to buy some valuable genetics!