March 25, 2011

A few highlights from Milksource Main Event Sale

It was a fantastic day to be at the Great Northern ... a huge crowd and a very successful sale!
- The high selling lot of the day was Lot 2 a package of four female Goldwyn x Fluery Formation Lauria EX-95 pregnancies due Sept. 2011 and the recipients carrying them. This unique package of full sisters to the All-American nominated Brainwave Goldwyn Lauramie sold for $26,000 and was the successful purchase of Milksource Genetics with David Dyment, Dundas, Ontario as the consignor.
- The second high selling lot, Lot M1, brought $20,000 and was also from the Lauramie family! A first choice Sid, Windbrook or Braxton due September 2011 from Brainwave Goldwyn Lauramie.
- Lot 13 was the third high selling lot of the day, Nova Garrett Edielou-ET GTPI+2200, brought $12,000.

Selling from Holstein Plaza Donors:
- Lot 7, First Choice Observer from Regancrest Gold Bretta VG-88 DOM brought $12,200
- Lot 34, 9/10 Goldwyn daughter GTPI+2061 of Morningview Shtl Lucy-ET brought $7600