December 3, 2010

1st Online Bull Sale a Success

Successful 1st edition of the Online Elite Bull Sale
The first edition of the Online Elite Bull Sale is a fact. This sale can be seen as a great start for the Online Elite Bull Sales with bidders from all over the World and buyers from several different countries.  The 1st Choices out of the 14 packages were sold for an average price of EUR 8,428 (U.S.$ 11,284) with a topseller of EUR 14,000 (U.S.$ 18,740)



Top Four Bull Packages:

Package                                            Buyer                                       Price

K.  Evett's Best                                 Ascol                                        € 14,000  (U.S. $18,740)

C.  The World's Best                       Anderstrup Holsteins             € 14,000  (U.S. $18,740)

J.  Elsa / Dabble                              Xenetica Fontao                      € 12,500  (U.S. $16,740)

L.  The De-Su Family                       AI Total                                     € 12,000  (U.S. $16,068)
                                                             The Netherlands

The next Online Elite Bull Sale will take place from January 24th until January 28th